Does bone broth break a fast? Here's what you need to know

May 2, 2024
Does bone broth break a fast? Here's what you need to know

Intermittent fasting has become a popular dietary strategy for health and weight management, but there's a debate on what exactly constitutes breaking a fast. One question we hear often is: "Does bone broth break a fast?"

Bone broth is a nutrient-rich liquid that some claim can be consumed without disrupting the fasting state. This article delves into the nuances of intermittent fasting, the role of bone broth, and how different fasting protocols might accommodate or advise against its consumption.

Before we dive in, if you're looking for a quick and easy way to track your fast using an app, consider January. It's completely free to download and use, and allows you to choose between numerous types of fasting. It also provides insight into the food you do eat, so you can make the best choices possible for your health goals.

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Key takeaways

  • Bone broth may be permissible in some fasting protocols due to its minimal caloric content and ability to maintain electrolyte balance, but it's not universally accepted.
  • Fasting guidelines vary with different methods such as OMAD, 5/2, and 16/8, and personal adjustments are often necessary to accommodate lifestyle and health needs.

Does bone broth break a fast?

Understanding the fasting state: What breaks a fast?

When embarking on the journey of intermittent fasting, it's crucial to understand what actually breaks a fast. After about 12 to 14 hours without food, the body transitions from using glucose to burning fat for energy. This metabolic switch is the cornerstone of fasting.

  • The fasting state begins when your body depletes its glucose reserves.
  • Consuming calories, in any form, typically signals the end of the fasting state.
  • Zero-calorie drinks like water and black coffee are generally considered safe.

The essence of fasting lies in the metabolic shift from glucose to fat burning, which is why even small amounts of calories can disrupt this delicate balance.

Flexibility in fasting allows for personal adjustments and occasional deviations. However, understanding the biological markers of fasting can help you make informed decisions about what you consume during your fasting window.

Bone broth and fasting: Nourishment without disruption?

For many, the idea of consuming anything other than water seems counterintuitive when fasting. However, bone broth stands out as a potential exception. This nutrient-rich liquid offers a source of nourishment that may support the body during fasting periods without fully disrupting the fasting state.

  • Bone broth provides essential electrolytes and minerals that can help maintain balance in the body.
  • It's seen as a way to alleviate hunger pangs without a significant calorie intake.
  • The broth can be particularly beneficial during longer fasts, where maintaining electrolyte levels is crucial.

Bone broth's low-calorie content and rich nutritional profile present a compelling case for its inclusion in fasting protocols.

Intermittent fasting's flexibility allows for personal adjustments. Whether you're skipping breakfast for metabolic health benefits or adjusting meal times for social engagements, bone broth can be a gentle way to support your body's needs without compromising your fasting goals.

Does bone broth break a fast? Bone broth and fasting

To sum it up: Does consuming bone broth break an intermittent fast?

It depends on the fasting protocol and personal goals; there's not a one-size-fits-all answer here. Bone broth contains calories and nutrients that may technically break a fast, but some experts believe it provides electrolytes and hydration without disrupting the benefits of fasting. This makes the decision as to whether bone both breaks a fast a personal choice based on your own fasting goals and objectives.


As we've sipped our way through the intricacies of intermittent fasting, we've uncovered that the journey is as personal as our morning coffee ritual. Whether bone broth breaks a fast is not a one-size-fits-all answer, but rather depends on your fasting goals and the type of fast you're following. For those seeking the metabolic switch from glucose to fat burning, the caloric content of bone broth might interrupt this process. Yet, for others focused on the flexibility and social aspects of fasting, a warm cup of bone broth could be a comforting exception that supports electrolyte balance without derailing their commitment. Remember, hydration is key, and consulting with a healthcare provider is always wise when navigating the fasting landscape. So, whether you choose to include bone broth in your fasting protocol or not, the most important takeaway is to listen to your body and find a rhythm that harmonizes with your health and lifestyle.

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