Cashews: A Low Glycemic Index Delight

With a glycemic index of 22, cashews have a minimal impact on blood sugar levels, making them a fantastic choice for stable energy.

What is the glycemic index of cashews?

According to the January app, the glycemic index of cashews is 22. This is considered Low. By looking up cashews in the January app, you can quickly see the glycemic index of that food as well as the glycemic load. This information can help guide your dietary choices.

What impact will this have on my blood sugar levels?

When you eat cashews, your blood sugar levels will not rise much. This is because of the low glycemic index of cashews. Foods with a high glycemic index can cause a rapid increase in blood sugar levels, while foods with a low glycemic index will cause a more gradual increase.

When using the January app, we can see the calories, macros, and glycemic index (GI) / glycemic load (GL) of that food item. But here's the best part: We can also see our predicted blood sugar response, without requiring you to wear a sensor.

Can people with diabetes eat cashews?

Cashews have a low glycemic index, which means they have minimal impact on blood sugar levels. This makes them a suitable snack option for people with diabetes. However, it is important to remember that this information is not medical advice. Always consult with a healthcare provider before making any changes to your diet.

What are the health benefits of cashews?

Cashews offer several health benefits. They are rich in healthy fats, protein, and essential vitamins and minerals. Cashews can contribute to heart health by providing good amounts of monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats. They also support bone health due to their high magnesium content and can be a good source of energy.

Nutritional Information

Here is the nutritional information for cashews (per 100 grams):

What are some healthy alternatives to cashews?

If you're looking for healthy alternatives to cashews, consider other nuts with similar nutritional profiles, such as almonds, walnuts, or pistachios. These nuts also offer a good balance of healthy fats, protein, and essential nutrients. For variety, seeds like chia seeds and sunflower seeds can also be great additions to your diet.


Cashews are a nutritious and versatile snack option with a low glycemic index, making them suitable for those watching their blood sugar levels. They offer numerous health benefits and can be a great addition to a balanced diet. Always consult with a healthcare provider before making significant changes to your dietary habits.

Use January to see your predicted blood sugar before you eat

To check the glycemic index of over 32M foods, as well as see your predicted blood sugar response before you eat them, use the January app. It’s completely free to download and use and it provides you with a treasure trove of nutritional and glucose insights to help you achieve your health goals.

FAQs about Cashews

Does the form in which cashews are consumed affect their glycemic index?

Interestingly, the glycemic index of cashews remains relatively consistent whether they are raw, roasted, or salted. However, additional flavorings and coatings like honey or chocolate could significantly increase the overall glycemic load. Hence, it's best to consume plain cashews to benefit from their low glycemic index of 22.

Is there a difference in the glycemic index of cashews cultivated in different regions?

While the glycemic index itself does not vary significantly based on the region of cultivation, the nutritional profile, including aspects like fat content and mineral composition, may differ due to soil and climate conditions. These subtle nutritional differences can slightly influence blood sugar response, but not to a large extent.

Does eating cashews at different times of the day impact their effect on blood sugar levels?

Although cashews have a low glycemic index, consuming them as part of a balanced meal can further stabilize blood sugar levels. Eating cashews in the morning can provide sustained energy release, while consuming them as an evening snack can help minimize blood sugar spikes overnight. Their high protein and healthy fat content make them a versatile choice any time of day.

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