Coconut: A Sweet Treat with Low Glycemic Index

With a glycemic index of 42, coconut is a fantastic choice for maintaining stable blood sugar levels.

What is the glycemic index of coconut?

According to the January app, the glycemic index of coconut is 42. This is considered low. By looking up coconut in the January app, you can quickly see the glycemic index of that food as well as the glycemic load. This information can help guide your dietary choices.

What impact will this have on my blood sugar levels?

When you eat coconut, your blood sugar levels will not rise much. This is because of the low glycemic index of coconut. Foods with a high glycemic index can cause a rapid increase in blood sugar levels, while foods with a low glycemic index will cause a more gradual increase.

When using the January app, we can see the calories, macros, and glycemic index (GI) / glycemic load (GL) of that food item. But here's the best part: We can also see our predicted blood sugar response, without requiring you to wear a sensor.

Can people with diabetes eat coconut?

People with diabetes can generally eat coconut in moderation due to its low glycemic index. However, it is important to remember that managing diabetes involves a comprehensive approach that includes paying attention to portion sizes and overall carbohydrate intake. Always consult with a healthcare provider to create a diet plan that meets your individual needs.

What are the health benefits of coconut?

Coconut provides several health benefits, including:

Nutritional Information

Here is the nutritional information for coconut (per 100 grams):

What are some healthy alternatives to coconut?

If you're looking for healthy alternatives to coconut, consider these options:


Coconut is a nutritious food with a low glycemic index, making it a good option for those looking to manage their blood sugar levels. While it provides various health benefits, it's important to consume it in moderation and consult with a healthcare provider, especially for people with diabetes. By utilizing tools like the January app, you can gain deeper insights into the nutritional content and predicted blood sugar responses to make more informed dietary choices.

Use January to see your predicted blood sugar before you eat

To check the glycemic index of over 32M foods, as well as see your predicted blood sugar response before you eat them, use the January app. It’s completely free to download and use and it provides you with a treasure trove of nutritional and glucose insights to help you achieve your health goals.

FAQs about Coconut

Does the maturity of the coconut affect its glycemic index?

Yes, the glycemic index of coconut can vary depending on whether it is young or mature. Young coconuts which contain more water and less meat, tend to have a lower glycemic index compared to mature coconuts which are richer in coconut meat and oil. This difference is because the composition of carbohydrates and fats changes as the coconut matures.

How does the form of coconut consumption affect its glycemic index?

The glycemic index can differ substantially depending on how you consume coconut. For instance, coconut water has a lower glycemic index compared to coconut flesh. Similarly, dried coconut or coconut flakes can have a higher glycemic index compared to fresh coconut due to the concentration of sugars during the drying process. Therefore, the form in which coconut is consumed can influence its impact on your blood sugar levels.

Is there a difference in the glycemic index of coconuts from different regions?

Yes, coconuts from different regions can have slightly different glycemic indices. Factors like soil quality, climate, and agricultural practices can impact the nutritional content of the coconut, including its glycemic index. For example, coconuts grown in tropical regions may have different carbohydrate and fat content compared to those grown in subtropical regions, thereby affecting their glycemic indices.

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