Amazing News! Guacamole Boasts a Low Glycemic Index

The glycemic index of guacamole is 15, making it an excellent choice for maintaining stable blood sugar levels.

What is the glycemic index of guacamole?

According to the January app, the glycemic index of guacamole is 15. This is considered low. By looking up guacamole in the January app, you can quickly see the glycemic index of that food as well as the glycemic load. This information can help guide your dietary choices.

What impact will this have on my blood sugar levels?

When you eat guacamole, your blood sugar levels will not rise much. This is because of the low glycemic index of guacamole. Foods with a high glycemic index can cause a rapid increase in blood sugar levels, while foods with a low glycemic index will cause a more gradual increase.

When using the January app, we can see the calories, macros, and glycemic index (GI) / glycemic load (GL) of that food item. But here's the best part: We can also see our predicted blood sugar response, without requiring you to wear a sensor.

Can people with diabetes eat guacamole?

Guacamole has a low glycemic index, making it a suitable choice for people with diabetes. However, it is crucial to consider the entire meal's impact and portion sizes. Always consult a healthcare provider for personalized advice regarding dietary choices and diabetes management.

What are the health benefits of guacamole?

Guacamole is rich in healthy fats, particularly monounsaturated fats, which are beneficial for heart health. It also contains fiber, which aids in digestion and can help maintain stable blood sugar levels. Additionally, guacamole is a good source of vitamins and minerals like vitamin C, potassium, and folate, which contribute to overall well-being.

Nutritional Information

Here is the nutritional information for guacamole:

What are some healthy alternatives to guacamole?

If you're looking for healthy alternatives to guacamole, consider hummus, which is also rich in fiber and healthy fats. Another option is tzatziki, made from Greek yogurt, which provides probiotics beneficial for gut health. Baba ganoush is another excellent alternative, made from eggplants and offering a unique flavor and nutritional profile.


Guacamole is a nutritious and tasty option with a low glycemic index, making it a good choice for those looking to maintain stable blood sugar levels. It provides a variety of health benefits due to its nutrient-rich profile. However, it's always best to consult with a healthcare provider to determine the best dietary choices for your individual needs. Enjoy guacamole as part of a balanced diet for optimal health.

Use January to see your predicted blood sugar before you eat

To check the glycemic index of over 32M foods, as well as see your predicted blood sugar response before you eat them, use the January app. It’s completely free to download and use and it provides you with a treasure trove of nutritional and glucose insights to help you achieve your health goals.

FAQs about Guacamole

Does the glycemic index of guacamole change with different types of avocados?

Yes, the glycemic index can vary slightly depending on the type of avocado used. For instance, Hass avocados, which are creamier and have a higher fat content, may have a marginally lower glycemic index compared to other varieties such as Fuerte avocados.

Does the glycemic index of guacamole change when combined with different ingredients?

Absolutely! Adding ingredients like tomatoes, onions, or lime juice does not significantly alter the glycemic index of guacamole. However, if you add sugar or high-glycemic ingredients, it can increase the overall glycemic load of the dish.

Is there a difference in the glycemic index of guacamole when served chilled versus at room temperature?

While the temperature at which guacamole is served doesn't drastically change its glycemic index, serving it chilled might slightly slow down the digestive process, making the release of glucose into the bloodstream even more gradual.

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