Instant Oats: High Glycemic Alert!

Instant oats have a glycemic index of 79, leading to a significant rise in blood sugar levels.

What is the glycemic index of instant oats?

According to the January app, the glycemic index of instant oats is 79. This is considered high. By looking up instant oats in the January app, you can quickly see the glycemic index of that food as well as the glycemic load. This information can help guide your dietary choices.

What impact will this have on my blood sugar levels?

When you eat instant oats, your blood sugar levels will rise quickly. This is because of the high glycemic index of instant oats. Foods with a high glycemic index can cause a rapid increase in blood sugar levels, while foods with a low glycemic index will cause a more gradual increase.

When using the January app, we can see the calories, macros, and glycemic index (GI) / glycemic load (GL) of that food item. But here's the best part: We can also see our predicted blood sugar response, without requiring you to wear a sensor.

Can people with diabetes eat instant oats?

People with diabetes can eat instant oats, but should do so with caution due to its high glycemic index. It is important to monitor blood sugar levels and consult with a healthcare provider to determine the appropriate portion size and frequency of consumption. As always, individual responses may vary, and it is crucial to tailor dietary choices to one's personal health needs. This is not medical advice; please consult a healthcare provider for personalized guidance.

What are the health benefits of instant oats?

Instant oats offer several health benefits. They are a good source of dietary fiber, which can aid in digestion and help keep you feeling full longer. Instant oats also contain essential vitamins and minerals, such as iron, magnesium, and B vitamins, which support overall health and well-being. Additionally, they can be a convenient breakfast option that fits into a busy lifestyle.

Nutritional Information

Here is the nutritional information for instant oats:

What are some healthy alternatives to instant oats?

For those seeking alternatives to instant oats with a lower glycemic index, consider steel-cut or rolled oats. These options are less processed and generally have a lower glycemic index, leading to a slower rise in blood sugar levels. Other healthy breakfast alternatives include quinoa, chia seed pudding, or a smoothie made with low-glycemic fruits and vegetables.


Instant oats, with a glycemic index of 79, can cause a rapid increase in blood sugar levels. While they offer several health benefits, individuals, especially those with diabetes, should be mindful of their portion sizes and monitor their blood sugar responses. For more personalized dietary guidance and to view the glycemic index and glycemic load of many foods, the January app can be a valuable tool.

Use January to see your predicted blood sugar before you eat

To check the glycemic index of over 32M foods, as well as see your predicted blood sugar response before you eat them, use the January app. It’s completely free to download and use and it provides you with a treasure trove of nutritional and glucose insights to help you achieve your health goals.

FAQs about Instant Oats

Do instant oats have a different glycemic index when cooked with milk versus water?

Yes, the glycemic index of instant oats can vary depending on the liquid used for cooking. When instant oats are cooked with milk, the protein and fat content in the milk can help to slow down the digestion process, which can reduce the glycemic index compared to when instant oats are cooked with water.

How does consuming instant oats for breakfast compare to having them for dinner in terms of glycemic impact?

The glycemic impact of instant oats can vary based on the time of day they are consumed. In the morning, the body's insulin sensitivity is usually higher, which can result in a more efficient process of glucose utilization. Consuming instant oats for dinner might have a higher glycemic impact due to lower insulin sensitivity in the evening, potentially leading to higher blood sugar levels.

Is there a difference in glycemic index between instant oats from different regions or brands?

Yes, there can be variations in the glycemic index of instant oats from different regions or brands. Factors such as processing methods, thickness of the oats, and additional ingredients can all influence the glycemic index. It's essential to check the nutritional information and possibly opt for brands that indicate a lower glycemic index if you're managing blood sugar levels.

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